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Rudraksh Authenticity: Real Rudraksh may float in water

The one question that comes to a persons mind before buying a Rudraksha is
            “How does one check the authenticity of a Rudraksha?
Unlike most of the Rudraksha traders we do have an answer for this.
First of all let us bring to your knowledge that we are the proud traders of Rudraksha to find & disclose the closest authenticity test of Rudraksha beads.
This authenticity test founded by us shall bring about lot of awareness & help people in not getting cheated anymore.
Rudraksha Authenticity test.
The number of seeds in internal of each non manipulated Rudraksha bead should be equal to the number of mukhis/ facets that it has on its external structure.” If the number of seeds is not equal to the number of mukhis then there are chances of external manipulation taken place on the outer surface of Rudraksha which further can be detected by an expert. There are certain exceptions to the test which are as follows
1)    In a few varieties of Rudrakshas the number of seeds is more than the number of mukhis for example, if one or more mukhis of a Rudraksha have not developed naturally, then the number of seeds in the internal of the Rudraksha will be more than the number of mukhis it has on its outer surface, one can assume that the mukhis have not developed naturally only if the analyst is certain that there is no external manipulation.
2)    The above test is sounder for Rudrakshas of Nepalese & Indonesian Origin.
3)    This is the closest test to find out the genuinety of a Rudraksha, this test also has some limitations. At times when the Rudrakshas are cut open we have noticed that the seeds are not well developed & hence appear like a very minute cavity or like a dot. Well, now every time to test a Rudraksha one wouldn’t want to cut open the bead & would rather prefer to get the x ray of the Rudraksha done, in such a case the seeds which are not well developed may not be well exposed in the x-ray or could be difficult for a lay person to interpret the x ray, further it may also be difficult to conclude on basis of a blur x-ray. This is the only close test that could prove the authenticity of a Rudraksha berry. If you wish to know how to check the genuinety of Rudrakshas
Most of the other common tests existing are misleading or incomplete.
Tests like 1) Floating in water test 2) milk changing colour test 3) Copper coin test
4) Boiling test.
All the above mentioned tests are incomplete & hence very misleading.
RudraBlessings takes deep effort to bring about the awareness of Rudraksha & protect Rudraksha lovers from getting misleaded.
1. Floating in water Test
a. A test like ‘Rudraksha that sinks in water is original and the Rudraksha that floats in water is a duplicate’ is just a myth.
A genuine Rudraksha could either float or sink in water depending upon the density / specfic gravity or moisture trapped in the bead. A genuine Rudraksha that is not oiled, very dry & light in weight will float. Similarly, a bead that is heavy or oiled or kept in water for some time will sink because of the moisture in it; a recently plucked bead might sink because of moisture in it & same bead if lying in your collection box for a couple of days / months / years might float due to its dryness. Further, the same dry bead if kept in water for a few hours or days shall absorb water & start sinking slowly, but again this may not happen for all the beads. So a original rudraksha may sink or float in water. It is a myth that original Rudraksha has to completely sink in water. 
b. When a bead is dipped in a glass of water, it will find its own buoyancy level from the bottom to the top of the glass depending upon the level of moisture in it. It is proved that any authentic bead could either float or sink just depending upon the dryness or moisture in that bead. It also so happens that a original  Rudraksha bead finds it buoyancy level in the centre of the glass (that it neither completely dips iin water nor it floats at the uppermost level of water, matter of fact it floats in the centre of the water level)
c. At the same time a so called Rudraksha bead carved out of some other material might sink in water which doesn’t mean that it is an original Rudraksha bead.
d. Even if some stand by the water test, one needs to just ask a simple question to them; the Rudraksha might be original but how does the water test prove the genuinety of the mukhi (facets) it has on it. The faces can be carved on a genuine heavy Rudraksha that sinks in water. After all, we are paying the price for an original Rudraksha bead with original (mukhis) facets.
Therefore, in either case, it cannot be proved whether the Rudraksha bead is an original or a fake one. It just proves whether it is a dry or a moist bead, nothing else.
2. Milk Test
It is often claimed by many cheats or ignorant vendors that a genuine Rudraksha when put in a jar of milk; changes the colour of the milk. Many a times what happens is that the Rudraksha beads are coated with mud by the farmers to protect it from insects. So once the Rudraksha coated with mud is put in milk it starts loosing its coating & brings about a change in the colour of the milk. This coating can be done even on a fake bead which will bring about the same change on the milk.
Further, even if some believe that there is some sense or logic it, this test again does not prove the authenticity of the mukhis / facets that the Rudraksha has on it. This is usually done to promote the sale of a fake Rudraksha.
3. Copper Coin Test* 
There are many other criteria written to prove the authenticity of a Rudraksha bead like revolving between two coins & the milk changing colour after the bead is soaked in it for a night. But all these are not a correct criterion because a bead with magnetic field will rotate & if the bead is coloured with mud for protection it will loose its colour. Therefore, we should not bother about these suspicions and false notions.
Duplicate Rudrakshas are to be found in different places all over the world but easily found in places like Rishikesh & Haridwar in Uttaranchal, India & all over Nepal.
Moreover nowadays Rudraksha beads are not fake but the mukhis on them are fake.
A skillful artisan can increase the mukhis (facets) of a low priced Rudraksha bead by neatly giving extra cuts & converting it to a higher mukhi (facets) Rudraksha bead that will fetch him a higher price. Similarly, he could also hide or block a few mukhis (facets) on a low priced Rudraksha bead converting it to a lower Mukhi bead that would fetch him a higher price. Only an experienced eye can detect this.
These artisans also use superfine glue to attach or join two or three Lower priced beads together converting them to a highly priced Gaurishanker or an exorbitantly priced Trijudi Rudraksha. Nevertheless, these glued beads can be detected by dipping them completely in boiled (not boiling) water. There are chances that the glue could give in and loose the strength, further two or three beads artificially attached may get separated from each other on its own. But Nowadays due to the usage of superfine glue by the artisans there are chances that the beads may not get separated, So ultimately it is the experienced eye that can detect the same.
Many other trees that do not belong to the Elaeocarpacae Granitrus family bear fruits that look very similar to the Rudraksha bead. This could be very misleading, as a normal eye might not realize the difference immediately.
Ultimately, the only way to convince yourself or buy a Rudraksha bead is on trust. The Rudraksha should be brought from a genuine supplier who is accountable to the people. Buying Rudraksha is like buying Gems in which buyers buy from a trusted supplier only and thus buyers needs to consult other previous buyers for the genuine suppliers and their experience of dealing with them, before taking a decision to purchase these beads


How to recognise a fake Rudraksh?

Fake Rudraksha
Fake Gauri Shankar  Item name: Fake Gauri Shankar
Description: This is a fake Gauri Shankar made by skillfully gluing 2 five Mukhi Rudrakshas. It is purchased by one of our clients from a Rudraksha vendor in Nepal.
Please note: This type of a bead should not cost more than Rs.50 whereas our client paid Rs. 1500 for the same.
 Fake Trijudi Item name: Fake Trijudi
Description: These are 3 five Mukhi Rudrakshas skillfully cut, carved and glued together to look like a Trijudi Rudraksha. It is purchased from a roadside vendor outside Trimbakeshwar shrine, India for Rs 100 by our awareness team which was initially offered for Rs 7000 & bargained to Rs 100.
 Fake 14 Mukhi Item name: Fake 14 Mukhi
Description: This is a fake 14 Mukhi Rudraksha bead. This is a product, which looks similar to Rudraksha bead but does not belong to Rudraksha family. This was purchased in Rishikesh by one of our clients.
 Fake 1 Mukhi Item name: Fake 1 Mukhi
Description: This is a 2 Mukhi Rudraksha with a Trishul, Om and snake carved over it and sold as a 1 Mukhi Rudraksha bead. This is a very skilful carving done by tribals in the outskirts of Nepal but easily available in India at places like Rishikesh & Haridwar in Uttaranchal.

9 Mukhi Item name: Fake 9 Mukhi
Description: This is an original 6 Mukhi Rudraksha converted into a 9 Mukhi Rudraksha by skillful carving of 3 additional mukhis (facets) over it. It is purchased from a well renowned shop in Katmandu, Nepal. These types of beads are easily available at half the price of original beads in a number of shops in Haridwar & Rishikesh.
Item name: Fake 9 Mukhi with stem
Description: These are 2 five Mukhi Rudraksha beads skillfully joined to each other with stem making it a nine mukhi Rudraksha with 3 artificial mukhis.
 Fake 1 Mukhi Item name: Fake 1 Mukhi
Description: This bead is not a Rudraksha at all but looks very similar to a Rudraksha bead. The seller of these kinds of pieces generally claims that there is a Mukhi (facet) behind the pulp. It is commonly sold as a 1 Mukhi Rudraksha in different parts of India and Nepal
 Cross Section Item name: Cross Section
Description: The original view of the inner part of an original nine Mukhi Rudraksha bead, cut into two halves for awareness.
Item name: Method Of Duplication To Increase Or Decrease The Mukhis
Description: 2 parts of an original Rudraksha bead consisting of a few mukhis (facets) are properly cut & removed, which would be used on some other Rudraksha bead to increase the mukhis of that bead, so that the bead hence formed would have higher mukhis of higher price.
Item name: Fake 1 Mukhi
Description: 1 Mukhi Rudraksha carved from an ordinary piece of wood.

Tips of awareness:
As mentioned above, these are the few pictures showing how duplication is taken place & how mukhis are increased or decreased on a original Rudraksha. These are some of the few ways the beads are duplicated. Similarly, there are number of other ways also of duplication of Rudraksha beads, which can be detected only by an experienced eye. It is come to the knowledge of our awareness team that apart from farmers of Rudraksha there are also certain group of people who skillfully fabricate original Rudrakshas by increasing or decreasing of Mukhis, who are not growers of Rudraksha but are called as "manufacturers" of Rudrakshas who manufacture/fabricate mukhis as per the requirements. These types of beads are not only available in Nepal but also available in abundance in Haridwar & Rishikesh & are being easily sold as original Rudrakshas at the same places. Their price varies from customer to customer. Hence, we highly recommend, buying Rudraksha Beads only from the seller or a vendor where u have immense faith & trust. We would also go to the extent to say do not purchase even from us if u do not trust us.

For detailed consultation and to purchase genuine Rudraksh at genuine price 
call us :91 9904345633

Tips on Purchase:
Before purchasing a Rudraksha bead even from a trusted & reputed seller, we highly insist the purchaser to confirm the place of origin of the Rudraksha bead as price of Rudraksha beads varies from country of its origin. As on today, Nepalese beads are the costliest, and then come Indonesian beads and lastly Indian beads, but that does not mean the beads, which are not costly, are not good. This is for your knowledge because there are sellers online who sell Original Indian and Indonesian beads at the price of Nepalese beads.

Please note the effect of an original Rudraksha bead remains the same irrespective of its place of origin & the price but it is a must that it should be original & not fabricated or fake.

This section has been created by the awareness team of Rudra Blessings for knowledge & awareness of the people at large.


Bhavprakash-The Ayurveda bible reference on RudraKsha

According To Raj Nighantu And Shaligram Nighantu:

“Rudraksha mala mushnancha, vataghna, kaphanashana, shirorthi, ruchiyam, bhutagrah vinashanam”

Rudraksha contains more natural vitamin ‘c’ (Amla) which increases the body power against any disease. Rudraksha is hot in nature, hence it helps in proper blood circulation, equal distribution of energy to all the parts of human body and melts out the excess quantity of cholesterol in the blood and thus keeps the heart from ailments away. It is vatagna, hence Rudraksha plays a vital role in treating chest pain and in early stage of rheumatic pains, and will not allow any further complications to grow in Rheumatic cases and also works for mental alertness and makes man feel mentally and spiritually hale and healthy. Rudraksha is also kaphanashak, hence it has curative effect on early stage of asthma, various allergies, rhinitis, obesity, unwanted over swelling, etc.

It is also having characteristics of “Shirorthi Shamanam” which means having curative qualities of head diseases which includes mainly mental diseases, eyes, nose, ears and throat ailments. It is Ruchyam, which means, it is used to cure stomach ailments especially, indigestion, gases, tastelessness of tongue, etc. Bhutagrah, Vinashanam hence cures the various bad effects of evil spirits and planetary afflictions. Thus Rudraksha has a great role on central nervous system’s regulations and normalization of physical and mental health.

In ayurvada much significance is given to planetary position, condition of stars and moon like amavasya or poornima, while treating the patients, which have definite effects on human body and the diseases. Hence it is rightly said in the above shloka that Rudraksha is Bhuta Graha Vinashak.


Five mukhi rudraksha is known as Kalagni rudraksha

5 Mukhi (Face) Rudraksha
The most common Rudraksha is five mukhi Rudraksha. A five mukhi Rudraksha have five natural lines from head to bottom. It is blessed by lord Shiva. According to Padma Puran wearer rules out over all types of living beings.
This five mukhi is blessed by the five forms of Lord Shiva -- Saddyojat, Tatpurush, Aghor, Vamdev and Isshan. It gives protection from all kind of diseases and provide mental peace and happiness.
        As per scriptures and Puranas
Its ruling planet is Jupiter. It is the form of Rudra named Kaalagni. This represents Lord Shiva, the symbol of auspiciousness. The wearer of five Mukhi mala gains health and peace. Five Mukhi Rudraksha monitors blood pressure and cardiac ailments. Five Mukhi mala is also used for Japa. By wearing the mala the wearer-s mind remains peaceful. There is no suspicion about the fact that the wearer of Five Faced Rudraksha mala never gets untimely death. Malefic effect of Jupiter is considered to cause lack of peace of mind, utter poverty, lack of harmony, diseases of fat, Kidney, thigh, ear, diabetes etc. Five Mukhi is therefore suggested to sublimate the malefic effects of Jupiter. Agni (fire) purifies the metals and similarly five faced Rudraksha rectifies all the vices and faults of Jeeva and makes him pure and Jeeva gains the form of Pashupati i.e. the Lord of all creatures after becoming free from the animal instincts. By wearing its mala the wearer?s mind remains peaceful. A mala of five face Rudraksha is also worn. It keeps the blood pressure normal.
And the fear of untimely death disappears. If three beads of Five faced Rudraksha are dipped overnight in water in a glass and the water drank in the morning on empty stomach, then the person gets free from blood pressure and related illnesses.
        Other Details
  • Symbol of : Lord Shiva
  • Ruling Planet : Jupiter
  • Ruling God : Lord Shiva
  • Day of wearing : Monday
  • Recommended for : Bone marrow, Liver, Kidney, Feet, Thigh, Ear, Diseases of Fat and Diabetes.
  • Influence on body organ : All major chakra points.
  • Properties : This Rudraksha removes the person from various sins committed through forbidden acts in case of eating or in sex life.
  • People's experience : Wearing five mukhi Rudraksha avoid accidental death.
"Om Hreem Namah" (Shiva Puran)
"Om Hoom Hreem" (Padma Puran)
"Om Hreem Hoom Namah" (Skand Puran)
"Mahamrityunjai Mantra" (Brahajjalopanishad)
"OM. Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti-Vardhanam
Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityor Mukshiya Mamritat"
"Om Namah Shivaya"
        Way of Wearing
Take three beads of 5 Faced Rudraksha equal to the size of Amla, and string in red thread. It should be worn after touching it to a Shivalinga and chanting the mantra.
It gives fame and mental peace. With respect to its medicinal values, it is widely used to control blood pressure and diabetes. It is also used for diseases of the ears, thighs and kidney.
        Who should wear?
Worn by any person looking for spirituality, good health and mental peace.


Types of Rudraksha:Nepalese Rudraksha Vs Indonesia Rudraksha

                                              General Comparison Chart

Range of beads produced
1 to 21mukhi, Gaurishanker, Trijudi & Ganesha Rudraksha.
1 to 38 mukhi, Gaurishanker, Trijudi & Ganesha Rudraksha
Size range
Avg Size
10 mm – 42mm approx
            18 mm
4mm – 30mm approx
          12 mm
Body Structure
Obvious protrusions
 Comparatively Smoother
Mukhis / Facets
Very clear & distinct Grooves
    Thread like lines
Very High.
Growing, as Nepalese Rudrakshas are going out of the reach of common man.
Comparitively Expensive
90% Nepalese beads in the market are fake.
40-50% beads are fake in the market.
1)   Species: Rudrakshas from Nepal & Indonesia both belong to the “Elaeocarpus Granitrus Roxb.” Family as they both share the same internal structure though there might be slight differences on the external surface.
Nepalese Rudraksha

 2)  Variety: Both Nepal & Indonesia produce Rudrakshas right from 2 mukhi to 21 mukhi, Gaurishanker, Ganesha, savar & trijudi Rudraksha. Rudrakshas like 1 mukhi & 22 mukhi to 38 mukhi are rarely produced. Whereas Rudraksha from India range from 1 mukhi to 7 mukhi. To check out the different varieties of Rudrakshas visit Multifaceted Rudrakshas.

Indonesian Rudraksha 
3)   Mukhis / Facets: The mukhis / facets of Nepalese & Indian Rudrakshas are very well formed, defined & have deep groove cavities on the outer surface, whereas the facets of Indonesian Rudrakshas are just like thread lines slightly etched in the outer surface, hardly a few beads would have deep grooves.
4)   Shape: Rudrakshas from both Nepal & Indonesia share a common shape, 2 & 3 mukhi Rudrakshas from both the origins are elliptically round in shape whereas 5,6,7,8 are mostly round, 9 to 21 & above are oval with a concave top & bottom.
5)   Center hole: Rudrakshas from all the origins have a natural center hole; the center hole may not be very well defined from 3 mukhi to 7 mukhi in either origins. The center hole is absent in Indian Rudrakshas, they have to be drilled by hand. Usually the center hole is covered with the pulp (outer coating), which at times just requires to be hand cleaned before stringing.
6)   Body surface: The Nepalese & Indian Rudrakshas have obvious body protrusions where as Indonesian Rudrakshas are comparatively way smoother.
7)   Size: The Nepalese Rudrakshas are way bigger than the Indonesian Rudrakshas, the size range of Nepalese beads would be12 mm – 42mm approx & the average size of this origin would be 18mm approx., whereas the Indonesian beads are pretty smaller with the size range of 4mm to 30mm & with an average size of 12mm.
8)   Availability: Original Nepalese & Indonesian Rudrakshas are rare to find since lot of faking is going on, lower valued Rudrakshas are being converted into high value beads with the help of skilled artisans. Whereas the Indian Rudrakshas are commonly available. Faking of 1 mukhi half moon shaped from India has increased tremendously & a few well informed Indian 2 mukhis are sold as Nepalese origin at a higher price.
9)   Demand: The demand of higher faceted Nepalese Rudrakshas is more than its supply, whereas the demand & supply of Indonesian Rudrakshas are equal to each other. In terms of Indian Rudrakshas the supply is excess than its demand.
10) Quality: Rudraksha from Nepal are considered to be the best in terms of its formation & appearance followed by Indonesian Rudrakshas. Indian Rudrakshas are slightly lower in quality.
11) Effects: as we always mentionedthe effects of a Rudraksha berry do not depend on its shape, size, colour & origin. The one & only constraint is that the mukhis / facets of a Rudraksha should be well formed & genuine without any human manipulation. Since Rudrakshas from both the origins have a similar internal & facet structure, both of them can be equally effective, further one still hasn’t come up with an instrument that could measure the percentage of effects of a Rudraksha bead of different origins. We have solely been the pioneer company in promoting Indonesian Rudrakshas, the most known vendors & websites use to claim that Indonesian Rudrakshas are of no use, today they themselves are selling Indonesian Rudrakshas.
12) Price: Due to more demand & less supply plus with a great appearance & clear formation & due to lot of promotion Nepalese Rudrakshas by far are the most expensive, Indonesian Rudrakshas are still very cheap & would be the right time to buy them as with time Nepalese Rudrakshas would go out of the reach of common man & all the pressure shall come on Indonesian Rudrakshas which might hike the price of the same. To know how known vendors have increased the prices of Rudrakshas 
13) Faking: Faking takes place in all kinds of Rudraksha beads of every origin except a few commonly produced ones, statistically every year 90% of Nepalese beads, 60% Indonesian & around 10% of expensive fake Indian Rudrakshas are dumped in the markets by unscrupulous traders. 
Nothing on this planet is produced by the Lord without any purpose. Each & everything has a duty & a utility.
The effects of a Rudraksha berry do not depend on its shape, size, colour, origin. The one & only constraint is that the mukhis / facets of a Rudraksha should be well formed & genuine without any human manipulation.
Out of 100, 90 Nepalese beads are usually very clearly formed & 50% Indonesian beads are very well formed & defined., so traders dealing only Nepalese Rudraksha do claim that Nepalese Rudrakshas are more effective than Indonesian from commercial gain view as the turnover would be more in a Nepalese Rudraksha. Over & above this the Rudrakshas give out vibrations from their mukhis & not their origin. Above that there isn’t any instrument to measure the effects of a Rudraksha bead.
Moreover traders selling only Nepalese Rudraksha also sell Rudraksha malas & Rudraksha malas are not produced in Nepal they have to be from Indonesia this is because mala consists of bead sizes from 5mm to 10mm usually & such small sized Rudrakshas are not produced in Nepal. We are proud to say that we are solely the pioneer company promoting Indonesian Rudrakshas, the most known vendors & websites who claimed that Indonesian Rudrakshas are not effective have started selling Indonesian Rudrakshas today. 
P.S.: People who purchase Rudrakshas from Nepal believe that they are of the Nepalese origin, this would be as good as saying that a person of any country visiting Nepal would become a Nepalese which can’t be true or wouldn’t make sense, similarly this is not always true because certain Rudrakshas are not produced in Nepal & have to be sourced from Indonesia or India. 
So to conclude, very well formed Indonesian Rudraksha can be equally effective like a well formed Nepalese bead but it is definitely a little difficult to get clear Indonesian Rudrakshas. One needs to source it from a seller who holds good enough stock to serve one’s purpose. 
Over & above this feel free to contact us regarding any doubts or information on the Rudraksha bead, it would be great if we could be of any help to you.


RudraKsha - Biomedical Properties

Every human being & other living things have their own Aura, a field of energy that surrounds people & other living things, reflects the energy of the spirit in that body, this energy extends about two to four inches around the body & a light or pastel shade. It contains every color & shade in the rainbow & usually extends 2-5 inches from the body. Its colors textures & patterns reveal much information about emotional, mental physical, spiritual, karmic, environmental & relational states. An Aura is like a thumb print, it is completely individual & expresses who you really are in all your splendor. 
Rudraksh Bead have Electromagnetic, Paramagnetic, Diamagnetic and Dynamic Polarity or the ability to change its polarity. Rudraksh also have Anti Ageing Properties based on their Electromagnetism.
When Rudraksha Beads are worn they interface and integrate with the Human Body at a silent subtle level of Consciousness. Due to their Dielectric and Magnetic Properties the Rudraksha Beads initiate and effect positive change in the Bio Electrical System of the Human Body in a life supporting manner. As a result of this change in the electrical makeup of our body, positive change is also initiated in our Bio Chemical System.

There are no compulsions to wear a specific bead of Rudraksh as one can wear the combination of all beads and One can also wear a pendant of any specific facet of beads or a mix of different facet of beads as rudraksh do not have any negative effects unlike Gems , which can cause a greater level of harm if wrongly.

Human body is basically a Bio Electronic circuit, blood circulation, the transmission of various impulses and the continuous movement of Neurons and Neurotransmitters in the brain generates electrical impulses which is know as Bioelectricity.

Rudrakasha beads denote the “eyes” of lord Shiva. Hence they are considered to be very auspicious and pious. These beads are obtained from a plant Elaeocarpus Ganitrus Roxb. The Rudrakasha trees are very tall and bear small white colored sweet smelling flowers on blooming in the rainy season. These flowers turn into black berry like fruits, which yield brownish red colored Rudrakasha seeds on maturing. These seeds have sutures running throughout their diameter determining their type. Rudraksha beads are composed of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and some trace elements in combined form. The percentage composition of these gaseous elements was determined by C-H-N Analyzer and by Gas chromatography. These beads consist of 50.031 % carbon, 0.95% nitrogen, 17.897% hydrogen and 30.53% oxygen.People of all castes creed and religions can wear Rudrakasha. 

It is believed and proved that Rudraksh beads have certain Electromagnetic and Inductive properties and when worn over the heart they send out corresponding signals differing for different mukhis to the brain, activating or controlling certain brain chemicals and neurotransmitters thereby inducing states of mind as described in ancient scriptures. For example the mental agitation's and Dopamine levels (Increased amount of Dopamine cause over activity of neurons resulting in mental agitation, restlessness, tension, fear lack of control etc. conversely decreased levels of Dopamine, result in peace, tranquility, stability etc.) of those who wore 5 mukhi Rudraksh was found to be less and the serotinin levels (low levels of Serotinin, one such neurotransmitter cause depression, worry, lack of energy, low self esteem and higher levels of it causes happiness, energy, drive, high levels of confidence and self esteem etc. )of those who wore 1 mukhi and 12 mukhi Rudraksh bead was found to be high.

The activity of neurons in the right part of the brain was found to be high in the wearer of 14 mukhi Rudraksh bead (right part of the brain control abstract and lateral thinking as against logical and structure thinking of left part of brain). This perhaps is the reason behind the change in personality and attitudes of the wearer of different types of Rudraksh beads. When the persons gets a positive confident frame of mind the impact goes deep into his subconscious mind sending out powerful vibrations there by changing the way nature and others react to him/her.

Rudraksha beads act as a Stabilizing newscaster, which can control the bio electronic circuit of our body. Rudraksha beads also have Paramagnetic and Diamagnetic properties with the most important property of Dynamic Polarity. Rudraksh beads have the properties of Magnets but it is unparallel in one aspect, that of the ability to change it's polarity or the Property of Dynamic Polarity. 
Medically it has been proved that Rudraksh has very powerful Anti Ageing properties because of the Dynamic Polarity of the Rudraksha a bead thus the healing powers of Rudraksha are far superior to that of Magnets. In some sense Rudraksha beads can be termed to have some additional life or Intelligence as against Magnets.


Medicinal and Scientific Value of RudraKsha

Rudrakasha beads have several amazing powers due to their electromagnetic character. This Electromagnetic character empowers the bead to cure the human body medically as well as spiritually.

Electrical Properties: The human body can be considered as a complex Bio Electronic Circuit consisting of the whole of Nervous System and all other organs residing inside the human body. Number of Electrical impulses are generated by the human body due to different reflex actions taking place, continuous pumping of heart for blood circulation, Neurons and nervous system etc. The ability to send out subtle electrical impulses & Inductive vibrations and act as a Dielectric as in a capacitor to store electrical energy. This is termed as Bioelectricity. All the work of our sense organs depends on the subtle flow of Bioelectricity current. Thus all the actions our body performs are effectively controlled. The Bioelectric current is produced due to the difference in the energy levels of different body parts. This smooth flow of Bioelectric current causes the properly controlled functioning of the body parts.

Bio Electric Circuit-There is a third element in the Body and Brain called the Bio Electronic circuit Interface, that of the mind. Any activity that can produce stress or maladjustment can throw the streamlined activity, the Electronic circuit of the Body& Mind out of gear. Human beings and all living beings are prone to stress continuously in the continuous fight for survival and prosperity.

In modern age with intense competition the Stress levels have increased tremendously. Almost every individual has problems of Stress and Stress related ailments like insomnia, alcoholism, depression, Maladjustments, heart diseases, skin diseases etc. Any Doctor will confirm that almost 95% of the ailments are Psychosomatic or Stress related (i.e.) originating from Mind. When there is Stress or Maladjustment corresponding Stress signals are sent to the Central Nervous systems, there is an increased activity or abnormal of Neurons and Neuro transmitters. The magnitude of change will depend on the cause and specific case. When such a thing occurs and it occurs continuously, streamlined flow of electrical signals throughout the Mind-Body interface is disrupted and it makes us feel uncomfortable and we are not able to act with our full efficiency. Our Blood circulation becomes Non-ideal and we feel various illnesses. Unfortunately this happens all the time.

Rudraksha beads act as a Stabilizing Anchor. Rudraksha beads' electrical property can be broadly categorized into:

Resistance: There is continuous and subtle flow of bioelectrical signal throughout the body due to potential difference between parts of the Body. Rudraksha beads of particular Mukhis or Facets have a definitive Factor of Resistance. It is measured in Ohms. When these beads resist the flow of bioelectrical impulses a specific ampere of current flow is generated depending on the factor of resistance. This acts in tandem with heartbeat, streamlining it and sending out specific impulses to brain. These impulses stimulate certain positive brain chemicals. Making us feel better, more confidants, poised and more energetic. It has been observed that specific Mukhis or Facets of Rudraksha beads send out specific signals acting on a particular brain chemical and thereby by effecting specific positive changes in personality. It is well proven that the state of mind and our personality is governed almost completely by the Brain, it’s functioning and that of Central Nervous System

Capacitance or the Dielectric Properties -Rudraksha beads act as dielectric (i.e.) as a storage of electrical energy. This property of Rudraksha makes it capable in stabilizing and anchoring the Bioelectric current. The values are measured in units of Farad. This property is very helpful in controlling hyperactivity, palpitations of heart, streamlining heartbeat etc. Due to stress when there is increased physical activity heart beats faster and the overall activity of hormones and nervous system increases. This causes increased energy levels or increase in potential difference. As a result of this the magnitude of the Bioelectric Current increases. Rudraksha beads acting as Dielectric store this excess Bioelectric Energy, thereby streamlining the overall activity to Normalcy.

Inductance:Rudraksha beads by it have permanent magnetic properties. They have been observed to send out Inductive vibrations with frequencies measured in units of Henry (Volt Seconds/Ampere). This perhaps is the reason why people have felt better even when Rudraksha beads do not touch them physically.

Magnetic Properties:Rudraksha beads have Both Paramagnetic and Diamagnetic with the most important property of Dynamic Polarity We all are most probably aware of the beneficial healing properties of magnets. Magnetic Healing is becoming extremely popular off late and everyone who have been using magnets for healing have been getting the benefits and found overall betterment and rejuvenation. Rudraksha beads retain most of the properties of Magnets but it is unparallel in one aspect, that of the ability to change it's polarity or the Property of Dynamic Polarity. The basic way of healing is based on the fact that the when the passage of arteries and veins which carry blood to and from Heart to all the parts of the body is blocked or reduced due to variety of reasons, various illnesses creep. Blood carries oxygen and energy to various parts of the body and cleanses it off waste materials. Any disruption of the smooth flow of Blood circulation is bound to cause illnesses.

We experience pain and uneasiness due to improper blood circulation. Every cell in the blood as well as the Arteries and veins are charged either positively or negatively. Magnets have the poles Positive (+) and Negative (-).When magnets are passed on various parts of the body the opposite poles of the magnets and that of cells get attracted and there is an expansion of the passage .The Arteries and veins open up to facilitate streamlined blood circulation. When there is a streamlining of blood circulation most of the illnesses get automatically healed and we feel better and rejuvenated.But with magnets the polarity is fixed. When magnets are brought near a particular part of the body it opens up only those sections of veins and arteries where there is a matching of polarities hence complete healing and streamlining of blood circulation cannot be ensured. We experience healing and feel better but we can still go much further with Dynamic Polarity of Rudraksha beads.

Dyanamic Polarity-Rudraksha has the ability to-Change it's polarity. This in turn is by virtue of its property, Diamagnetism. Diamagnetism is termed as the ability of any material to acquire temporary magnetic property in presence of an external magnetic field. The polarity of the charge induced is opposite to that of the external field inducing the charge. Blood circulation and heart beat automatically induces a magnetic field around the body and particularly the heart Region. Bioelectricty automatically gives raise to Biomagnetism Depending on the polarity of the Induced magnetic field. Rudraksha bead acquires a polarity that is opposite of the inducing field. As a result of this the opening up the passages of Arteries and Veins are far better than that of magnets. Much better healing and rejuvenation is experienced.

Various Literatures mention of powerful Anti Ageing properties of Rudraksha beads.This is mainly because of the Dynamic Polarity of the Rudraksha a bead thus the healing powers of Rudraksha are far superior to that of Magnets. In some sense Rudraksha beads can be termed to have some additional life or Intelligence as against Magnets.